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Charlie Fitzroy
Principal Consultant - Funds Management - National
My background:
I work across the banking and financial services sector nationally. I joined Ambition in 2011 and built an in-depth knowledge of wealth management, fund administration and financial market operations. Acting as an integral member of the banking and financial services team, I have been a major contributor to the team's growth and reputation across the market.
I have established solid networks throughout my career, building genuine relationships with my clients and candidates. A testament to this is that I have assisted many of my candidates several times along their own career paths.
I specialise within the senior end of the market and have aided a variety of organisations from small start-up funds through to multi-national corporates, with their recruitment needs.
Outside of the office I enjoy all types of sport, in particular supporting the mighty Wests Tigers, and spending time with my family and young daughter Ruby.
Roles I recruit:
Fund Accounting/Unit Pricing/Custody
Fund Transitions/Projects
Financial/Tax/Regulatory Reporting
Middle Office to Back Office Ops and Client Service
Managed funds/Unit Registry
Unlisted and Private Equity
Performance Analysis
Corporate trust, funding, and securitisation
Investment Banking Operations